certificate.main;certifies that\n\n[student]\n\nwas presented for the Ten Thumbs Touch Typing Certificate on\n\n[date]\n\nand can touch typing accurately at [wpm] Words Per Minute.\n\nCongratulations! certificate.copyright;95-04 Runtime Revolution Ltd. All rights reserved world wide. report.new.welcome;Welcome back! You started learning to type on [date]. You have practices for approximately [time] hours. So far today you have practiced for approximately [time2] hours report.yourBestWorstKeys;Your best and worst keys are unknown. Either you disabled this option, or you didn't type more than 6 different characters in your last lesson. img.tenthumbswithsign;NAME: Ten Thumbs \n Please look after this Viking dialog.exportas;Export file as dialog.importfile;Select a file to import: report.new.nohistory;You have no history, as this is your first session. games.highscores.title;High Scores games.highscores.position;Position games.highscores.name;Name games.highscores.date;Date games.highscores.score;Score games.highscores.percentage;% of keyboard games.highscores.action.clear;Clear High Scores... games.highscores.windowtitle;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - High Scores action.aboutTT;About Ten Thumbs action.backToHelp;Go Back To Help action.backtooptions;Back to options action.cancel;Cancel action.changeLoc;Change the location... action.close;Close action.collectMyRes;Collect my results action.continue;Continue action.continueAnyway;Continue Anyway action.deleteStudent;Delete Student... action.dontAskAgain;Don't ask this question again action.dontskipquiz;Don't Skip Quiz action.downloadUpdates;Download Ten Thumbs Updates and News action.enjoy;Good luck and enjoy the course! action.exit;Exit action.exitpersonal;Exit Personal Settings action.export;Export to text file ... action.exportStudent;Export Student action.furtherCredits;Further Credits action.goback;Go Back action.importStudent;Import Student action.left;left action.logout;Logout action.new;New action.newStudent;New Student action.next;Next action.no;No action.off;off action.ok;Ok action.on;on action.pause;Pause action.personalSettings;Personal Settings action.print;Print action.quit;quit action.register;Register action.registerProg;Register Using In-Program Payment Module action.registerProgWeb;Register Using Our Web Site tenthumbstypingtutor.com action.resume;Resume action.retry;Retry action.right;right action.rusure;Are you sure you want to delete this student? action.saveInformation;Do you want to save information about the answers to the questions you have completed so far? Pressing 'No' will delete all the information you have entered. action.securitySettings;Security Settings action.showTips;Show Tips on Startup action.sit;How to sit correctly action.skipquiz;Skip quiz... action.startcourse;Start Course! action.teacher;Teacher action.teacherOptions;Teacher Options action.unlock;unlock action.yes;Yes brick.story1;Ten Thumbs Brick Factory - The Story...\n\n\nIn The Beginning\n\nYou apply to an advert in the newspaper for the position of brick layer at the new local development park. You are invited along and are met by the Park Engineer. He explains that the development park is the site of a new and very special tourist attraction and will feature several buildings of great interest along with a lovely new villa for the tour guide.\n \nWhat It All Involves For You.\n\nThe Park Engineer explains that all of the brick laying on the new site is carried out by an automated system. However, all of the bricks to be used have been obtained at a special cheap price due to underfunding. For this reason, it is necessary to check the quality of each brick as it comes into the site from the supplier. To check the quality of each brick, you must enter the serial code that appears on each one as it enters the site. The automatic brick layer will then check that code with its records and use the brick for building. brick.story2;Caution\n\nThe Engineer warns you that you must try to enter the code on each brick before it reaches the conveyor belt on the brick layer! If you do not, the automatic brick layer will not recognise the brick and will discard it, thinking that it is not up to quality. \n\nUnfortunately, the brick laying machine, being the first of its kind, still has a few faults and has taken to dumping all discarded bricks in a rather dangerous and unstable pile right next to the building site. The Park Engineer says that he wouldn't like to think what would happen if the pile got too high...!\n\nYour Ultimate Aim\n\nYour goal is to build as many fine tourist attractions as possible without causing any damage to the development site.\n\nFarewell...\n\nYou are given a keyboard terminal to input the serial codes with and are wished good luck... button.skipsit;Skip How Not To Sit choice.always;Always choice.delImpExp;Allow delete/import/export choice.disableBrickFact;Disable Brick Facory choice.disableSafPark;Disable Safari Park choice.forTime;For a length of time, in minutes choice.skipIntro;Skip intro quiz choice.trCustom;Custom Directory choice.trHome;Users home directory choice.untilPercent;Until a percentage of the keyboard is learned completed course.stacktitle;Completed Course donttouchwizardsnose;OI! Dont touch my nose! error.colourdepth;Sorry, Ten Thumbs requires at least a 256 color display to run. error.invalidStudentName;The student name in this file is invalid. A name cannot contain any spaces, be more than 20 charcters long, or contain anything other than letters. error.macpc;Is this a file from another PC, or from a Mac? error.screenres;Sorry, Ten Thumbs requires an 800x600 display resolution or higher. See the Read-Me file for more information. error.studentExistsRename;Student already exists. Rename as: error.trialExpired;Sorry, your trial period has expired. You must register to be able to continue. You can register this application online, which will allow you to instantly unlock the progam. Or you may register by postal mail. finger.placement;Finger Placement finger.replay;Replay Placement finger.uppercase.left;The uppercase version of this key is typed using the shift key on the left finger.uppercase.right;The uppercase version of this key is typed using the shift key on the right finger.uppercase;The uppercase version of this key is typed using the shift key on the game.brick.level;Level: game.brick.lives;Lives: game.brick.score;Score: game.udidntmakeit;You didn't make it this time. historyinfo.accuracy;Accuracy historyinfo.anaverageof;, an average of historyinfo.answer.1;You have only learned the home keys for the left hand. You can't go back a key yet! historyinfo.answer.2.a;. Do you really want to un-learn it? historyinfo.answer.2;The last key you learned was historyinfo.average.target; of your target of historyinfo.average;Your average WPM is historyinfo.certificate.button;Certificate historyinfo.comment;Comment historyinfo.error;Your average error percentage is 9%. historyinfo.gobackakey.button;Go back a key... historyinfo.hour;hour historyinfo.hours;hours historyinfo.info.2; In order to make progress, you must practice more. historyinfo.info.3; You really need to spend more time practicing each week. historyinfo.info.4; Try to spend more time practicing each week. historyinfo.info.5; Try to spend a little more time practicing each week. historyinfo.info.6; This is a respectable amount of practice! historyinfo.info.7; This amount of practice is great! historyinfo.info.8; This amount of practice is excellent! historyinfo.info.9; You have not practiced recently - try to make your practice more frequent." historyinfo.infofield.1; You have practiced for approximately historyinfo.keyboard;You have learned 141 percent of the keyboard. historyinfo.keyslearned;Keys Learned historyinfo.min;min historyinfo.mins;mins historyinfo.perweek; per week. historyinfo.speed;Speed historyinfo.stacktitle;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Student History historyinfo.title;History Info - Student historyinfo.welcome;Welcome back! You started learning to type on Friday, June 10, 2005. You have practiced for approximately 1 hour. historyinfo.wpm;Your average WPM is 21.\n(21% of your target of 100 WPM.) historyinfo.wpmreactionstring.1; Although your speed is improving, you will make better progress if you concentrate on accuracy. historyinfo.wpmreactionstring.2; Both your speed and error percentages are improving. historyinfo.wpmreactionstring.3; Your speed is improving. historyinfo.wpmreactionstring.4; You need to concentrate more on your accuracy. historyinfo.wpmreactionstring.5; Your typing is becoming more accurate. Don't worry about speed - keep it up. historyinfo.wpmreactionstring.6; Concentrate more on your accuracy. historyinfo.wpmreactionstring.7; Your typing is becoming more accurate. historyinfo.wpmreactionstring.8; Your speed and accuracy have both been fairly constant recently. how.sit.text1;Your shoulders should be relaxed and your arms resting comfortably by your sides. Position your forearms so that they are level or tilted up slightly and form a straight line with your hands. how.sit.text2;Adjust the backrest to fully support your lower back. Your posture should be upright and relaxed. how.sit.text3;Make sure your feet are supported. how.sit.text4;The computer monitor should be directly in front (40 - 80 cm / 15 - 30 inches) with the screen approximately level with your eyes. how.sit.text5;Your thighs should be resting flat along the seat. There should be some clearance under the worksurface. how.text1;His arms are awkwardly held away from his body. Given a short period of time, such a position may painfully strain his upper arms and shoulders. how.text2;His back is not properly supported. It is likely that he will suffer back pain. how.text3;His eyes are not level with the top of the monitor - hours spent like this, with his head elevated too far backwards or forwards may painfully cramp his neck. how.text4;His feet are not rested on the floor or elsewhere. Pressure on the underside of his thighs will cause pain in that area and constrict the blood supply in his legs, giving him pins and needles in his feet. image.background.keepout;Keep out image.button.gamestory;Game story image.front;teach your fingers to dance image.madewith;Made with image.navigation.brack;Brick Factory image.navigation.extra;Extra Practice image.navigation.help;Help image.navigation.lesson;Lesson image.navigation.options;Options image.navigation.quit;Quit image.navigation.report;Report image.navigation.safari;Safari Park image.viking.lookafter;Name: Ten Thumbs\nPlease look after the viking image.viking.tenthumbs;Ten Thumbs\n info.accuracy.beepmistake;Beep when you make a mistake info.accuracy.mistakeinred;Display the mistake in red info.accuracy.nobeepmistake;Do not beep when you make a mistake info.accuracy.nomistakeinred;Don't display the mistake in red info.city;City info.country;Country info.highscoresposition;High scores position: info.importComplete;Import completed. Ten Thumbs has more options and preferences than Learn to Type did. We recommend you start by using the 'Retake Quiz' option in the Options screen to input your preferences before using the rest of the package. info.live.choice1;No, I want Ten Thumbs to auto-adjust my feedback options info.live.choice2;Yes, I want a picture keyboard only info.live.choice3;Yes, I want a speed graph only info.live.choice4;Yes, I don't want either a speed graph or picture keyboard info.morelive.choice1;Yes, display live summary graphs of speed and accuracy info.morelive.choice2;No, don't display live summary graphs info.morelive.choice3;Yes, display a comment at the end of each line info.morelive.choice4;No, don't display a comment info.quizBody;Did you take the free touch typing test on our web site? If so, please enter the email address you used in the test and Ten Thumbs will connect and download your results. \n info.street;Street info.trialdaysleft;Days left of trial period: info.waytosit;Here is the correct way to sit... infoLearn.minutes;minutes infoLearn.overAThird;Congratulations - you have mastered over a third of the keyboard! We hope you've enjoyed the free trial. Do you want to learn more? Register Ten Thumbs now and you can keep on improving your typing skills. \n\nYou may register right now on the Internet using our secure web payment system. Alternatively, you can use the in-program payment module to pay by post. Simply click on the appropriate button. Please register now, so you can learn more - if you use the Internet option you can keep on learning right away!\n\nWe depend on your support to be able to continue to develop and support high quality software. infoLearn.overHalf;Congratulations - you have mastered over half of the keyboard! We hope you've enjoyed the free trial. Do you want to learn more? Register Ten Thumbs now and you can keep on improving your typing skills. \n\nYou may register right now on the Internet using our secure web payment system. Alternatively, you can use the in-program payment module to pay by post. Simply click on the appropriate button. Please register now, so you can learn more - if you use the Internet option you can keep on learning right away!\n\nWe depend on your support to be able to continue to develop and support high quality software. infoLearn.YouGood;You have become quite good at the keys you've already learned.\n \n Would you like to learn a new key now? infoOrder.city;Town/City infoOrder.comments;Comments or suggestions (optional): infoOrder.copies;Number of copies: infoOrder.country;Country infoOrder.email;Email infoOrder.euRes;I am an EU resident \n (all EU residents must check this box, VAT will be added @ 17.5%) infoOrder.name;Name: infoOrder.phone;Phone: infoOrder.pleaseNote;Please note that this form is for postal registrations only. Credit card transactions are only accepted via our online payment system on our web site. \n \n If you want to purchase multiple copies, please visit our web site for current pricing, or contact tenthumbs@runrev.com for a quote.\n \n When you've finished filling out this form, please print it and send it to us, together with your cheque.\n \n Our address is: Runtime Revolution Ltd, 15-19 York Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3EB, UK.\n \n Please note that the information you provide will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. infoOrder.pleaseScroll;Please scroll down to complete the order form. infoOrder.state;State infoOrder.street;No. and Street: infoOrder.total;Total: infoOrder.yourDetails;Your Details infoOrder.yourPayment;Your Payment Options infoOrder.zip;Zip / Postal Code infoquiz.accuracy.text;Ten Thumbs emphasises accurate typing.\n\nWhen you start out, you are encouraged to type slowly in order to be accurate.\n\nWhen you make a mistake, you should correct it. The number of times you need to correct mistakes is counted up and used to generate your error percentage figure.\n\nIf you don't correct a mistake in a line, you have to re-type it. It is not hard to correct mistakes, and accuracy really is very important in the long run.\n\nWhen you make a mistake Ten Thumbs can prompt you. Please select whether you want Ten Thumbs to: infoQuiz.answer.firstname;Your first name must not be a number. Please enter a different first name. infoQuiz.answer.fullname;Your full name must not be a number. Please enter a different infoQuiz.answer.name;You must enter both your first name and full name. infoQuiz.answer.namealready;This name is already in use by another student. Please use another name. infoquiz.best.text;And the last question...\n\nTen Thumbs Extra Practice Wizard allows you to come back and practice the parts of the keyboard you aren't so good at. You can choose to review the fingering information for any key. You can also import your own text and practice typing that.\n\nIf you want, Ten Thumbs can analyse your best and worst\nkeys. You can use the Extra Practice Wizard to practice those\nkeys specifically. Some people prefer not to know this\ninformation.\n\nDo you want Ten Thumbs to analyse your best and \nworst keys? infoQuiz.cNoTest;The course begins with this introduction and Quiz. This section asks you a few questions about your learning preferences:\n \n* Your name\n* Previous experience\n* Keyboard layout\n* Learn numbers and symbols\n* Target Words Per Minute\n\nFinally there is a brief tutorial on how to sit and \nhow not to sit at your computer.\n\nYou can retake this introduction and change \nyour preferences at any time during the course. infoQuiz.courseBegins;The course begins with this introduction and Quiz. This section asks you a few questions about your learning preferences: \n \n* Your name \n* Previous experience \n* Keyboard layout\n* Learn numbers and symbols\n* Target Words Per Minute \n \n Finally there is a brief tutorial on how to sit and \n how not to sit at your computer. \n \n You can retake this introduction and change \n your preferences at any time during the course. infoQuiz.cTest;The course begins with this introduction and Quiz. This section asks you a few questions about your learning preferences: \n \n* Your name\n* Previous experience\n* Keyboard layout\n* Learn numbers and symbols\n* Target Words Per Minute\n \nFinally there is a brief tutorial on how to sit and \nhow not to sit at your computer.\n \n You can retake this introduction and change \n your preferences at any time during the course. infoquiz.dontteachmenum;No, I don't want to learn the number and symbol keys. infoQuiz.email;Email address: infoQuiz.experience.selection2;I am a beginner\n\nI am intermediate (I know the home keys)\n\nI am an advanced touch typist (recommended only if you know all the keys fluently) infoQuiz.experience.selection;I am a beginner (recommended for most people)\n\nI am an advanced touch typist (recommended only if you know all the keys fluently) infoQuiz.experience.text2;If you haven't touch typed before, or you're uncertain which finger is used for each key then you will be best off with the beginner option. This starts you from the beginning by showing you the home keys. Intermediate is suitable if you know some keys, and have learned how to position your hands over the home keys, but aren≈t completely confident with the whole keyboard. Alternatively, if you are an advanced typist you can start practicing on the entire keyboard. You won≈t be taught the positions of the keys, but will instead start typing text that contains all the keys. Choose this option if you want to use Ten Thumbs more as a refresher course than as an introduction to the keyboard.\n\nWe have recommended an option based on your test results, but you can select a different option if you feel it would better suit your circumstances. infoQuiz.experience.ttcanteach;Ten Thumbs can teach you to touch type from the very beginning. You start out learning the home keys and then get introduced to more keys when you are ready.\n\nAlternatively, if you are an advanced touch typist, you can start out at the end. You won't be taught the positions of the keys, but will instead start with a touch typing test using all the keys. Choose this option if you want to use Ten Thumbs more as a refresher course than as an introduction to the keyboard.\n\nIf you are somewhere in-between the two, we recommend you start out as a beginner. The program will monitor your progress, and you'll advance through the keys quickly until you meet ones that you are not so good at.\n\nPlease select: infoquiz.keyboardText;Please select the keyboard layout you would like to learn infoquiz.lesson.main;A typical student will start off practicing for half an hour or so a day. As they get further through the course, they gradually reduce to practicing for 10 or 15 minutes a day until they reach their target.\n\nEveryone takes a different amount of time to complete the process.\n\nWhere possible, we recommend you practice for a short time once or twice a day, rather than doing longer but more spread out practice sessions.\n\nWe recommend you spend the majority of your practice time doing lessons. Split the rest between the Games and Revision wizard!\n\nTen Thumbs can time your lessons for you and exit to a Report every few minutes.\n\nA setting of five minutes is right for many. How long would you like lessons to be? infoquiz.live.text;When you are practicing in lessons, the area immediately below the text you are typing can display either a speed graph or a picture keyboard.\n\nTen Thumbs recommends that you use the automatic setting. Automatic will display a picture keyboard until you have learnt all the keys. Then, when you're more familiar with all the keys, a word-by-word speed graph is displayed.\n\nDo you want to change this? infoquiz.morelive.text2;Do you want a comment on your typing at the end of each line? infoquiz.morelive.text;The second last question screen...\n\nDo you want a live graph displaying your Words Per Minute and Error Percentage for the current line when you are typing? infoQuiz.name.cNoTest;

Please enter your first name. This will be used to address you throughout the course.


First, please verify that your name is correct. Your first name:

infoquiz.numtext;Ten Thumbs will teach you the letters on your keyboard but it can also teach you the number and common symbol keys on the main section of your keyboard.\n\nIf you are going to do a lot of typing, you probably want to learn to touch type all of these.\n\nHowever, if you are only going to be typing occasionally, you may want to consider not bothering to learn the number or symbol keys. They are amongst the hardest to learn, and are not typed very often.\n\nDo you want to learn numbers and symbols? infoQuiz.password;Password (optional)... infoQuiz.pleaseFullName;Please enter your full name. This will be printed on your certificate at the end of the course.title.yourName infoquiz.printSelect;Print Selected Layout infoQuiz.quickStartMain;Please select your keyboard layout.\n infoquiz.senspaces.main;Ten thumbs doesn't make you plough through huge paragraphs of text on a single screen.\n\nTen Thumbs will never give you more than a single line of text at a time. However, some people prefer to type in even smaller blocks.\n\nTen thumbs can automatically work out how long to make the length of the lines in your lessons. At the start of the course, lines are short. As you get more proficient, they gradually expand to be a full screen width. infoQuiz.skipIntrp;Are you sure you want to skip this introduction and quiz? It only takes a few minutes to complete. It tells you the basics about the program and records your learning preferences. This information is used to customise the course to suit you best. \n \n You can change your personal settings at any time by choosing Options from any main screen in the program. infoquiz.spaces.main;Ten Thumbs can teach you to type with either one or two spaces between sentences.\n\nTwo spaces between sentences used to be the convention for learning to type.\n\nWith the advent of more modern text spacing technology, most people type now with one space between sentences.\n\nHow many spaces do you want? infoquiz.target.text;Words Per Minute, or WPM is the standard speedometer measure of a typist. What is your target?\n\nMany people type at 30 WPM. This speed is usually sufficient if you are only likely to be typing occasionally. If you need to type regularly or professionally, you probably want to aim at between 40 and 60 WPM.\n\nIf you want to get to the very top of the typing pool, aim at 60 WPM plus. However, above 60 WPM is probably too high a climb for most people.\n\nSelect your target Words Per Minute infoquiz.teachmenum;Yes, teach me the number and symbol keys. infoquiz.tellMeMore;Tell Me More infoQuiz.tookFreeTest2;If you didn't take the test, click Continue to start Ten Thumbs at the beginning. infoQuiz.tookFreeTest;Did you take the free touch typing test on our web site? If so, please enter the email address you used in the test and Ten Thumbs will connect and download your results. information.certificateTextLine11;Congratulations! information.certificateTextLine1;certifies that information.certificateTextLine5;was presented for the Ten Thumbs Touch Typing Certificate on information.certificateTextLine9.part1;and can touch type accurately at information.certificateTextLine9.part2;Words Per Minute. information.changeSettings;Would you like to change your personal settings? This option allows you to alter most of the settings that you entered when you first started the course, plus a few more. Change your target words per minute and more. information.colorWarning;Your display is set to more than 256 colors. We recommend you change the display setting in the control panel and then restart Ten Thumbs. For more information, see the Readme file. information.confIncorrect;The conformation is incorrect. information.credits;Ten Thumbs is brought to you by Runtime Revolution. For more information about the company please visit our website, http://www.runrev.com. If you have any queries please contact the Ten Thumbs Support Team at \n \n Visit our website! http://www.tenthumbstypingtutor.com/ splash.registeredTo;Registered to: splash.version;Version \n 3.1 stackTitle.intro.help;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Help stackTitle.intro.howtosit;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - How not to Sit stackTitle.intro.sum;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Summary of Introduction stackTitle.intro;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Introduction and Quiz stackTitle.quit;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Quit summary.maintext;You have come to the end of this introduction and quiz.\n\n* Remember, you can come back at any time to change most of the things you've chosen \n by clicking Personal Settings on the Options screen.\n\n* When you press the Start Course button, you'll get your first Finger Placement lesson \n (if you selected beginner) or an initial typing ability test (if you selected advanced).\n\n* After that, we recommend you spend the majority of time practicing in Lesson mode. \n Your progress is monitored, and if you selected beginner, you will be asked if you want \n to learn another key from time to time.\n\n* When you need a break, try one of the Games.\n\n* If you are ever unsure of anything you've learned,\n use the Extra Practice option to revise it. switch.infoPleaseSelect;Please select one of the languages in the list below switch.useLanguage;Use Language switcher.title;Languages teach.finger1.left;You type this key with the first (index) finger of your left hand. teach.finger1.right;You type this key with the first (index) finger of your right hand. teach.finger2.left;You type this key with the second (middle) finger of your left hand. teach.finger2.right;You type this key with the second (middle) finger of your right hand. teach.finger3.left;You type this key with the third (ring) finger of your left hand. teach.finger3.right;You type this key with the third (ring) finger of your right hand. teach.finger4.left;You type this key with the fourth (little) finger of your left hand. teach.finger4.right;You type this key with the fourth (little) finger of your right hand. teach.finger5.left;You type this key with the thumb of your left hand. teach.finger5.right;You type this key with the thumb of your right hand. telluser.beforestart;Before you can start typing, there are two other keys you need to know. These are typed in your right hand. telluser.capitalise;This lesson will introduce you to the SHIFT keys. There are two SHIFT keys on your keyboard. Use them to type CAPITAL or UPPERCASE letters. telluser.clicknext;Clicking 'Next' will take you to lessons. Don't worry if the words you are about to type are gibberish and not in sentences. When you learn a few more keys, real words and sentences will be generated instead. telluser.fingerofyour; finger of your telluser.getpractice;Get some practice by typing the keys highlighted below. When you feel comfortable with them, click the Next button to continue. telluser.ofbothcases; In both cases, SHIFT is typed with your fourth finger. telluser.partner2;The partner of this key is typed using with the third finger of your left hand, using the shift key on the right. telluser.partner;The partner of this key is typed using with the fourth finger of your right hand, using the shift key on the left. telluser.remember;Remember to position your hands correctly over the home keys before starting to type. Use the Revision option if you are ever unsure of anything you have learned. telluser.shouldposition;You should position your left hand on the home keys as shown below. telluser.startoff;You start off by learning the home keys for the left hand. telluser.teachescomma;This lesson teaches you the comma key. telluser.teacheskey;This lesson teaches you: telluser.thesekeysare;These keys are telluser.typebackspace;You type BACKSPACE with either the second, third or fourth finger of your right hand (which ever your prefer). telluser.typespace;You type SPACE with the thumb of your right hand. telluser.typethiskeywith;You type this key with the telluser.useshift;You use the SHIFT key on the left when you are typing another key with your right hand. You use the SHIFT key on the right when typing another key with your left hand. telluser.youtype;You type 'e' with the x (ie second) finger of your left hand. text.ttttHelp.display1;

A Quick Summary of Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor

Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor is a package based on our previous and much acclaimed program, Learn To Type v1.5. Ten Thumbs has several new features but above all is larger to look at and has a much more appealing interface.

Using the information which you give in the Quiz when you first use the program, Ten Thumbs tailors a typing course suitable for you whether you are a beginner (like most of us) or a touch typist already.

You will be introduced to the keys of the keyboard and you will progress to learn new keys when you have reached a reasonable level of speed and accuracy in your lessons.

If at any time, you feel you could do with extra practice in a key then you can go to the revison section where you will be shown how to type it properly.

Two games are provided, allowing you to relax in between lessons and fingering instruction whilst still gaining the practice you need!

In addition you have Ten Thumbs himself, to help keep you company on your treck to touch typerdom.

text.ttttHelp.display2;Deleted text.ttttHelp.display3;

Changing your Learning Preferences

If at any time you would like to change any of your personal settings, for example, your target typing speed, you may do so very simply.

Click the Options button on the button bar at the bottom of the screen. On the Options screen, click the "Personal Settings" button. You will be able to alter the preferences that you entered in the Quiz when you first started using Ten Thumbs plus a few more. text.ttttHelp.display4;

Adding your own music to the games

You can change the music used in the games by placing Quicktime files in the Music folder inside the Ten Thumbs Folder. If that doesn't mean anything to you, don't worry about it: enjoy the music provided instead!


These instructions are intended for network administrators only.

As of the 2.2 release, you can install Ten Thumbs on a shared folder on a network server.

If the Ten Thumbs directory is writeable then no further configuration should be required.

However, the Ten Thumbs directory no longer needs to be writeable. By default, student files are saved into the "students" directory, which is on the same level as Ten Thumbs. It is possible to change the directory that is used using the Teacher menu (available from the first screen after running the program). You can select another directory, or enter a path. Relative paths are accepted, as are complete paths to a network folder somewhere. If you are editing the path manually, please note that the UNIX standard "/" character is used on all editions regardless of platform.

If you have multiple classes of students in a school environment, you may want to create a directory for each class, named the same as that class. At the begninning of the lesson, the teacher can then input that class name on the teacher screen, making it easier for everyone to access their files.

Also please note that in order to register the application, the "save" file in the Data directory must be writeable. Thus you should register the program with full access permissions on the server it is installed on.

If you are installing Ten Thumbs on a multiplatform network be sure to use the latest version of Ten Thumbs on all platforms.


Contacting Us

Our current contact details can be found in the Readme file that came with this Ten Thumbs distribution.

text.ttttHelp.topics1;A Quick Summary of Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor text.ttttHelp.topics2;Deleted text.ttttHelp.topics3;Changing Your Learning Preferences text.ttttHelp.topics4;Adding your own music to the games text.ttttHelp.topics5;Installing on a Network text.ttttHelp.topics6;Contacting us title.accuracy;Accuracy title.best;Best and worst keys title.keyboard;Keyboard title.learnAKey;Learn A New Key Now? title.learnNewKey;Learn A New Key Now? title.lesson;Lesson title.Lessonlength;Lesson length title.livefeedback;Live feedback options title.morelivefeedback;More live feedback options title.numandsym;Numbers and symbols title.order;Order Form title.previousExperience; Your previous experience title.quickStart;Quick Start - Your Typing Test Results title.report;Report for your last lesson title.senspaces;Text typing length title.sit;How to sit correctly title.sitnot;How not to sit title.spaces;Spaces between sentences title.ssPasswords;Passwords... title.summary;Summary title.teacherReport;Teacher Report title.timeUntil;Time until next report: title.tipsTrivia;Tips 'n' Trivia title.trAvgErrorColumn;Avg. Error % (Average Error %) title.trAvgWPMColumn;Avg. WPM (Average words per minute) title.trHrsColumn;Total Hrs (Total Hours) title.trNameColumn;Name title.trSecuritySetting;Security Settings title.trStartColumn;Start Date title.trTargetWPMColumn;Target WPM (Target words per minute) title.tttt;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor title.ttttHelp.About;About Ten Thumbs title.ttttHelp.Quit;Quit Ten Thumbs title.ttttHelp;Ten Thumbs Help title.ttttName;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor title.ttttOptions;Options title.wpm;Target Words Per Minute title.yourName;Your name titleQuiz.intro;Introduction and quiz tttt.title.askstudpass;Ask Student Password tttt.title.askteacherPass;Teacher Password tttt.title.brick;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Brick Factory tttt.title.changeStudPass;Student Password tttt.title.changeTeacherPass;Change Teacher Password tttt.title.choose;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Welcome tttt.title.colourwarn;Warning: more than 256 colors tttt.title.completeCourse;Completed Course tttt.title.download;Downloading Updates... tttt.title.extraCred;Further Credits tttt.title.finger;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Finger Placement tttt.title.help;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Help tttt.title.learnNewKey;Learn A New Key? tttt.title.lesson;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Lesson tttt.title.newstudpass2;New Student Password tttt.title.newstudpass;Change New Student Password tttt.title.online;Online Updates tttt.title.options;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Options tttt.title.personalsets;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Personal Settings tttt.title.register;Register Ten Thumbs tttt.title.removestudpass;Remove Student Password tttt.title.report;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Student History tttt.title.revision;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Revision tttt.title.safari;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Safari Park tttt.title.teacher;Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor - Teacher Report tttt.title.tips;Ten Thumbs Tips 'n' Trivia tttt.welcome;Welcome to Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor. The text you are typing now is being used as a base to assess your progress. However, don't be concerned if you aren't typing very well - after all, the purpose of this program is to help you get better. Here are a few number and symbol keys for you to type. Try a phone number: 0012843756. What about an e-mail address - e.g. ab@cd.efg - quite short! 23% of 43 = 200 ^ 0.0032 - 2 + 4 = $29 or $90. We hope you enjoy the course. After you have finished typing this, you will get your first report. Good luck! warning.noCompletedTest;You did not type any complete lines of text. Unfortunately, I need a complete line of text before I can give you a report! warningOrder.noEmail;You haven't entered an email address. Whilst this is not required, your registration will take much longer to reach you. warningOrder.oops;Oops warningOrder.youDidnot;You didn't enter your welcome.infoExistingStudent;If you are an existing student, select your name in the list below, then press OK. welcome.introText;If you are a new student, please click the New button to get started. welcome.title;Welcome to Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor!